→ May 12, 2021 | Reading time: ~1 minute
Guaranteed repairs
Restoration: plastering over the cracks left on any surface by the erosion of time.
Writing: an inverse process of restoration. A restorer fills the holes in a surface on which a more or less finished image already exists; a writer starts from the fissures and the holes. In this sense, an architect and a writer are alike. Writing: filling in relingos.
No, writing isn’t filling gaps—nor is it constructing a house, a building, just to fill up an empty space.
Perhaps Alejandro Zambra’s bonsai image might come closer: “A writer is a person who rubs out. . . . Cutting, lopping: finding a form that was already there.”
But words are not plants and, in any case, gardens are for the poets with orderly, landscaped hearts. Prose is for those with a builder’s spirit.
Writing: drilling walls, breaking windows, blowing up buildings. Deep excavations to find—to find what? To find nothing.
A writer is a person who distributes silences and empty spaces.
Writing: making relingos.
— Valeria Luiselli, Sidewalks